Stock trading was expensive and ugly. Robinhood makes it free and pretty
Idea Behind This App
The mobile app technology has revolutionized almost every sector so why investment field should be an exception. Robinhood is the only mobile app available on the Google Play store and Apple’s App Store that enables seamless stock share trading and investment. In today’s world, everyone wants to invest in the stock market and be aware every detail about it. The stock market is the new place for making a substantial profit in short period of time. The app eliminates the commission fee for investment and offers an easy and simple way to trade your stocks on the go to make a profit. You can easily boost up your investment game with the help of an app.
Robinhood app is placed with collective options to manage your share stocks without any need of a mediator. This saves you from wasting hundreds of dollars on the commission fee. Along with easy share trading options, the app also offers the latest update of the stock market at every second to keep you updated for not missing out on any golden opportunity.
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App Review
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- Status :Free
Robinhood app is changing the traditional way of doing the stock exchange business by putting all on your mobile. The app doesn't require any commission fee to operate your stock shares and there is no minimum balance requirement. This means you can start using the app at any level. Using app is very simple just need to sign up and once get in the app start managing the stocks on your fingertips.
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